Sunday, September 23, 2007

My life - and the lack of buttons and zippers in it.

Well... my life is almost completly void of pre-pregnancy pants. None of them will button anymore. And thanks to my wonderful sister-in-laws advice, of using a hair tie to make them fit a little bit longer, I was able to get a few more weeks out of them. But alas... the one pair of jeans I was relying on, failed me on Saturday. I am now wearing "stretchy pants" but not for fun (inside joke). I honestly can't wear anything else! But to be honest, they are so comfy!

And here is a pic of my "1 day short of being 13 weeks" belly shot. I had a lady at church say that my belly is starting to show, and that its not "is she fat, or is she prego" its def a pregnant belly! My mom said the same thing, and the neighbor lady commented on how cute my belly is! Yay! I am so excited!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Over 12 weeks!

YAY! I am so thankful to be past the 12 week mark! Earlier this week I *thought* my morning sickness had left me. I could have never been so wrong. I got sick this morning, then got sick an hour I after I got to work... and then again after lunch. Needless to say, I went home a few hours early. And now I feel better, very hungry, but better. I will be honest, I was happy to see it return. I know, I am crazy, but I love every single pregnancy symptom. I have had over 6 weeks of morning sickness now, and I have been thankful every day!
We go back to the doc in a two weeks... I can't wait! I love how they listen for the heartbeat everytime after the 10-12 week appointment... I can't wait to hear that wonderful sound again!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Good Thoughts

The other day I had a thought about how big the heartbeat really is. I mean, Lord willing, that little heart in there will beat, non stop, for the next 80 or so years. That is so amazing to me!
Good news as well, I think my morning sickness is about gone... the past few days I have been feeling a little bit better...
But... I have had to sing "Another One Bites the Dust" to about 5 pairs of pants already... kinda sad!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

We have a HEARTBEAT!

Oh my goodness! For various reasons I was very worried about this appointment that we had today. I had fears that the heartbeat would not be found and all that, even tho everything has been textbook with this pregnancy (as far as I can tell from what I have read). The doctor thought it might be a bit early to hear the heart on the Doppler, but as soon as she put the thingy to my stomach, there it was! *woosh woosh woosh* It was the sweetest sound ever! Our baby has a strong heartbeat of 155! And everything else looks normal for where I should be at. She did say that I should not worry about what I eat at all, cause I am on the low end of weight, and that I should plan on gaining 25-35 pounds... which would put me around 150 when all is said and done. I just praise the LORD that everything was good today! And that we heard the heart... it was amazing...